
site config

Config files are formatted with the toml mini language.

output_dir = "output/limassol/"
plot_dir = "plots/limassol"
traj_dir = "trajectories/limassol/"
partposit_dir = "flexpart_partposit/limassol/"

# geonames that should be used
# name is defined in geonames_config.toml
# and links the names to the .kml files
geonames = 'standard'

    # begin and end definitions only relevant if
    # is used
    #begin = '2018-03-14_00'
    #end = '2018-03-25_00'
    begin = '2015-09-09_00'
    end = '2015-09-14_00'
    # time step for which trajectories are calculated
    step = 3
    # duration of each trajectory
    tr_duration = -240

    no_particles = 500

    maptype = 'miller'
    timeinterval = 6
    heights = [1500.0, 3000.0, 4500.0, 6000.0]
    bounds = [-120, 80, 0, 85]
    centerlon = -10

    top = 12000
    plottop = 10250
    # reception heights that are used
    # 'md' mixing depth, '2.0' in km without unit
    reception = ['md', '2.0', '5.0']

    name = 'Limassol, Cyprus'
    short_name = 'limassol'
    lat = 34.677
    lon = 33.038
    altitude = 10

FLEXPART simulations

FLEXPART simulations are controlled with with template files in flexpart_simulations/. Some settings are predefined in the *_template files, ${var} are adaped for each run with the python template library. Per default, the particle positions during the backward simulation are dumped every 3 hours.

HYSPLIT simulations

HYSPLIT backward trajectories are required, a 10-day 27-member ensemble setup is recommended. Please note that HYSPLIT itself is not provided within this package (The binary to run is hyts_ens with the respective CONTROL file). Meteorological input data for HYSPLIT are taken from the GDAS1 dataset (<>) provided by the Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) of the U.S. National Weather Service’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). An trajectory is calculated every 3h in steps of 500m. Conveniently the input trajectories are placed in the trajectories directory.

Following setting provide a starting point:



    tratio = 0.75,
    delt = 0.0,
    mgmin = 10,
    khmax = 9999,
    kmixd = 0,
    kmsl = 0,
    k10m = 1,
    nstr = 0,
    mhrs = 9999,
    nver = 0,
    tout = 60,
    tm_pres = 1,
    tm_tpot = 0,
    tm_tamb = 1,
    tm_rain = 1,
    tm_mixd = 1,
    tm_relh = 1,
    tm_sphu = 0,
    tm_mixr = 0,
    tm_dswf = 0,
    tm_terr = 1,
    dxf = 0.40,
    dyf = 0.40,
    dzf = 0.01,
    messg = 'MESSAGE',