#! /usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
Author: radenz@tropos.de
import sys, os
import re
import gc
import datetime
from collections import defaultdict, Counter, namedtuple
import numpy as np
import toml
import netCDF4
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../')
import trace_source
def redistribute_rgb(r, g, b):
threshold = 255.999
m = max(r, g, b)
if m <= threshold:
return int(r), int(g), int(b)
total = r + g + b
if total >= 3 * threshold:
return int(threshold), int(threshold), int(threshold)
x = (3 * threshold - total) / (3 * m - total)
gray = threshold - x * m
return int(gray + x * r), int(gray + x * g), int(gray + x * b)
[docs]def plot_trajectories_ens(traj, savepath, ls=None, config=None):
plot multiple trajectories into one scene
traj (:class:`.trajectory`): trajectory to plot instance to plot
savepath (str): path to save
ls (:class:`trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc`, optional): pre loaded land surface information
config (dict, optional): the toml derived config dict
import matplotlib
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ls is None:
ls = trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc()
colors = ['purple', 'darkorange', 'hotpink', 'dimgrey']
linecolor = 'grey'
if not os.path.isdir(savepath):
# the map
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
if config is not None and "centerlon" in config['plotmap']:
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=config['plotmap']['centerlon']))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=-170.))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Miller())
# Projection for the north pole
# ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo())
raise ValueError('provide plotmap.centerlon in the config file')
#ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.NorthPolarStereo())
# make a color map of fixed colors
# cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(['lightskyblue', 'darkgreen', 'khaki', 'palegreen', 'red', 'white', 'tan'])
# fainter colors as in the flexpart plot
colors = ['lightskyblue', 'seagreen', 'khaki', '#6edd6e', 'darkmagenta', 'lightgray', 'tan']
#colors = ['lightskyblue', 'seagreen', 'khaki', '#a4dd6e', 'red', 'white', 'tan']
cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors)
cs = []
for ind in range(cmap.N):
c = []
for x in cmap(ind)[:3]:
cs.append([sc/255. for sc in redistribute_rgb(*c)])
cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(cs)
bounds = [-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5]
norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
pcm = ax.pcolormesh(ls.longs, ls.lats, ls.land_sfc_data.astype(np.float64), cmap=cmap, norm=norm, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# high resolution coastlines
# ax.coastlines(resolution='10m')
for k,v in traj.data.items():
ax.plot(v['longitude'], v['latitude'],
linewidth=0.7, zorder=2,
# ax.plot(v['longitude'][::24], v['latitude'][::24], '.',
# color='k',
# transform=ccrs.Geodetic())
scat = ax.scatter(v['longitude'][::12], v['latitude'][::12], s=3,
c=v['height'][::12]/1000., cmap='plasma',
vmin=0.1, vmax=7.0, zorder=4,
cbar = fig.colorbar(scat, fraction=0.025, pad=0.01)
cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Height [km]', fontweight='semibold', fontsize=12)
cbar.ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12,
width=2, length=4)
if config is not None and "bounds" in config['plotmap']:
ax.set_extent(config['plotmap']['bounds'], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# bounds for punta arenas
ax.set_extent([-180, 180, -75, 0], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# bounds for atlantic
#ax.set_extent([-180, 80, -70, 75], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# bounds for the north pole
raise ValueError('provide plotmap.bounds in the config file')
#ax.set_extent([-180, 180, 50, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.set_title('Trajectories {}UTC\n{} {} {:5.0f}m'.format(
traj.info['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H'),
traj.info['lat'], traj.info['lon'], traj.info['height']),
fontweight='semibold', fontsize=13)
savename = savepath + "/" + traj.info['date'].strftime("%Y%m%d_%H") \
+ '_' + '{:0>5.0f}'.format(traj.info['height']) + "_trajectories_map.png"
fig.savefig(savename, dpi=250)
# the profile
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(6, 7), sharex=True)
ax[0].grid(True, axis='y')
for k,v in traj.data.items():
ax[0].plot(v['time'], v['height'])
ax[1].plot(v['time'], v['AIR_TEMP'][:] - 273.15)
ax[2].plot(v['time'], v['RELHUMID'][:])
ax[3].plot(v['time'], v['RAINFALL'][:])
ax[0].set_ylim(0, 10000)
# ax[0].set_ylim(0, 13000)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Height [m]')
ax[0].xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.dates.HourLocator([0, 12]))
# ax[1].set_ylim(0,10000)
ax[1].set_ylabel('Temperature [°C]')
ax[1].set_ylim(-40, 10)
# ax[1].set_ylim(-60, 10)
ax[1].xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.dates.HourLocator([0, 12]))
# ax[2].grid(True, axis='y')
ax[2].set_ylim(0, 100)
ax[2].set_ylabel('rel Humidity [%]')
ax[2].xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.dates.HourLocator([0, 12]))
# ax[3].grid(True, axis='y')
ax[3].set_ylim(0, 20)
# modified plot for publication
# ax[3].set_ylim(0, 5)
ax[3].set_ylabel('Precip [mm]')
ax[3].xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.dates.HourLocator([0, 12]))
for axis in ax:
axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', right=True, top=True,
ax[0].set_title('Trajectory {}UTC\n{} {} '.format(traj.info['date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H'),
traj.info['lat'], traj.info['lon']),
fontweight='semibold', fontsize=13)
savename = savepath + "/" + traj.info['date'].strftime("%Y%m%d_%H") \
+ '_' + '{:0>5.0f}'.format(traj.info['height']) + "_trajectories_prof.png"
fig.savefig(savename, dpi=250)
[docs]class assemble_time_height(trace_source.assemble_pattern):
[docs] def assemble(self, dt_range=None):
assemble the statistics for a range of trajectories and
save the statistics to dicts
dt_range (list(datetime), optional): timerange for that the statistics is assembled,
default taken from config
if dt_range is not None:
self.dt_list = trace_source.time_list(dt_range[0],
# only for the testcase
traj_dir = self.config['traj_dir']
files = os.listdir(traj_dir)
# filter only for the trajectory files with tdump extension
files = [f for f in files if f[-6:] == '.tdump']
# the defaultdict is used here to sort the files by datetime within a dictionary
filtered_files = defaultdict(list)
for f in files:
# regex the yyyymmdd-hh timestamp in the filename
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(re.search('([0-9]{8})-([0-9]){2}', f).group(0), '%Y%m%d-%H')
height = float(re.search('([0-9]{3,6})(?=_0[0-9-]{1,4}.tdump)', f).group(0))
#print(f, dt, height)
if dt >= self.dt_list[0] and dt <= self.dt_list[-1]:
# here an empty dict is generated with a zero containing array
self.stat2d_dict = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros((len(self.dt_list), len(self.height_list))))
self.statls_dict = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros((len(self.dt_list), len(self.height_list), 7)))
self.raw_dict = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros((len(self.dt_list), len(self.height_list),
# TODO make more than 7 geo names possible
ng = trace_source.land_sfc.named_geography(self.config['geonames'])
self.geo_names = ng.geo_names
no_geo_names = len(list(self.geo_names.keys()))
self.statgn_dict = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros((len(self.dt_list),
self.lat_names = {0: '<-60', 1: '-60..-30', 2:'-30..0', 3: '0..30', 4: '30..60', 5: '>60'}
self.statlat_dict = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros((len(self.dt_list),
# print(self.statlat_dict[0])
# print(self.statlat_dict.get(0).shape)
# input()
ls = trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc()
self.ls_categories = ls.categories
for it, dt in enumerate(self.dt_list[:]):
# sort by height
f_list = sorted(filtered_files[dt], key= lambda x: x[1])
print('file_list ', f_list)
print('length of file and height list ', len(f_list), len(self.height_list))
f_list = f_list[:len(self.height_list)]
#assert len(f_list) > 1
for ih, f in enumerate(f_list):
print(it, ih, f[1], dt)
traj = trajectory(self.config)
traj.load_file(traj_dir+f[0], silent=True)
savepath = '{}/{}'.format(self.config['plot_dir'], dt.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
if "timeinterval" in self.config['plotmap']:
timeinterval = self.config['plotmap']['timeinterval']
timeinterval = 12
if "heights" in self.config['plotmap']:
heightlist = self.config['plotmap']['heights']
heightlist = [1500.0, 3000.0, 4500.0]
#if f[1] == 3000.0 and dt.hour % 12 == 0:
if f[1] in heightlist and dt.hour % timeinterval == 0:
print("plotting ", f[1], dt.hour)
plot_trajectories_ens(traj, savepath, ls=ls, config=self.config)
traj.add_land_sfc(ls, silent=True)
# TODO add config switch here
#traj.add_area_land_sfc('md', ls, silent=True)
#traj.add_area_land_sfc(2000, ls, silent=True)
#print("at step", it, dt, ih, f)
#print('keys ', traj.statistics.keys())
# now the empty dict is filled with the keys (and values) of the statistics dict from traj
for k in list(traj.statistics.keys()):
self.stat2d_dict[k][it, ih] = traj.statistics[k]
# subset of trajectory data to collect
param_collect = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'height', "PRESSURE", "AIR_TEMP",
if 'land_sfc_category' in list(traj.data.keys()):
for k in param_collect:
#self.raw_dict[k][it, ih, :traj.data[1][k].shape[0]] = traj.data[1][k]
self.raw_dict[k][it, ih, :] = traj.data[1][k]
#self.raw_dict[k][it, ih, traj.data[1][k].shape[0]:] = -999.
for k in list(traj.stat_ls.keys()):
self.stat2d_dict[k+'_no_below'][it, ih] = traj.stat_ls[k].no_below
print('stat ls ', k, traj.stat_ls[k])
self.statls_dict[k][it, ih] = list(traj.stat_ls[k].counter.values())
for k in list(traj.stat_gn.keys()):
self.stat2d_dict[k+'_no_below'][it, ih] = traj.stat_gn[k].no_below
print('stat gn ', k, traj.stat_gn[k])
self.statgn_dict[k][it, ih] = list(traj.stat_gn[k].counter.values())
# TODO make the lat statistics optional
for k in list(traj.stat_lat.keys()):
self.stat2d_dict[k+'_no_below'][it, ih] = traj.stat_lat[k].no_below
print('stat lat ', k, traj.stat_lat[k])
self.statlat_dict[k][it, ih] = list(traj.stat_lat[k].counter.values())
print(self.statlat_dict[k][it, ih])
self.time_res.append(traj.data[1]['age'][1] - traj.data[1]['age'][2])
# trying to free memory
del ls
del ng
[docs]class trajectory():
handle a single trajectory
config (dict): content of the config file
def __init__(self, config):
self.statistics = {}
self.stat_ls = {}
self.stat_gn = {}
self.stat_lat = {}
self.shapes = {}
self.config = config
[docs] def load_file(self, filename, silent=False):
"""load a trajectory from the .tdump file
filename (str): path and name of the file
silent (bool, optional): verbose output or not
print('filename', filename) if not silent else None
#parameters_key = ["PRESSURE", "AIR_TEMP", "RAINFALL", "RELHUMID", "TERR_MSL"]
# empty dict for the ensemble trajectories
data = defaultdict(lambda: {'time': [], 'latitude': [], 'longitude': [],
'age': [], 'height': [], 'parameters': []})
with open(filename) as f:
header = []
while True:
line = f.readline().strip()
if 'PRESSURE' in line:
#header = [f.readline().strip() for i in range(7)]
int_info = int(header[0].split()[0]) + 2
no_traj = int(header[int_info-1].split()[0])
arr = np.empty((no_traj, 241))
arrp = np.empty((no_traj, 241, len(parameters_key)))
arr_data = {'latitude':arr.copy(), 'longitude':arr.copy(),
'height':arr.copy(), 'parameters':arrp.copy()}
idx_traj = 1
for row in f:
row_contents = row.split()
if len(row_contents) < 12:
# invalid row in file
k= int(row_contents[0])
t = int(abs(float(row_contents[8])))
# fill missing steps
#print(datetime.datetime.strptime('-'.join(row_contents[2:7]), '%y-%m-%d-%H-%M'))
#data[k]['time'].append(datetime.datetime.strptime('-'.join(row_contents[2:7]), '%y-%m-%d-%H-%M'))
#print('age', row_contents[8])
arr_data['latitude'][k-1, t] = float(row_contents[9])
arr_data['longitude'][k-1, t] = float(row_contents[10])
arr_data['height'][k-1, t] = float(row_contents[11])
#print([float(elem) for elem in row_contents[12:]])
arr_data['parameters'][k-1, t, :] = [float(elem) for elem in row_contents[12:]]
infostring = header[int_info].split()
year = filename.split('/')[-1].split('-')[1][0:4]
self.info = {'date': datetime.datetime(int(year), int(infostring[1]),
int(infostring[2]), int(infostring[3])),
'lat': float(infostring[4]), 'lon': float(infostring[5]),
'height': float(infostring[6]), 'no_traj': no_traj}
age = np.arange(0,-241,-1)
time = [self.info['date']+datetime.timedelta(hours=h) for h in age.tolist()]
self.data = {}
for k in range(1,28):
self.data[k] = {'time': time, 'age': age,
'latitude': np.ma.masked_equal(arr_data['latitude'][k-1, :], -999.),
'longitude': np.ma.masked_equal(arr_data['longitude'][k-1, :], -999.),
'height': np.ma.masked_equal(arr_data['height'][k-1, :], -999.)}
for i, param in enumerate(parameters_key):
self.data[k][param] = np.ma.masked_equal(arr_data['parameters'][k-1, :, i], -999.)
print('trajectory data') if not silent else None
for k,v in self.data.items():
print(k, list(v.keys())) if not silent else None
[docs] def load_dict(self, d):
"""load the trajectory without the original data
.. note::
only the first member of a ensemble is saved
d (dict)
self.info = d['info']
self.data = {1: d['data']}
[docs] def load_netcdf(self, ncf, dt, height):
load the trajectory at a given datetime and height from the provided netcdf file
ncf (:obj:netCDF4.Dataset): netcdf4 Dataset to add
dt: datetime of trajectory to load
height: height of trajectory to load
dict with data
Keys: ``time``, ``age``, ``latitude``, ``longitude``, ``height``
Optional ``pressure``, ``air_tem``, ``rainfall``, ``relhumid``, ``terr_msl``
d = {}
d['info'] = {'date': dt, 'height': height,
'lat': ncf.coordinates[0], 'lon': ncf.coordinates[1]}
dt_list = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time) for time in ncf.variables["timestamp"][:]]
it = dt_list.index(dt)
ih = np.where(ncf.variables["range"][:] == height)[0]
traj_time = [dt - datetime.timedelta(hours=abs(h)) for h in ncf.variables['age'][:].tolist()]
d['data'] = {'time': traj_time, 'age': ncf.variables['age'][:],
'latitude': ncf.variables['latitude'][it, ih, :][0],
'longitude': ncf.variables['longitude'][it, ih, :][0],
'height': ncf.variables['traj_height'][it, ih, :][0]}
parameters_key = ["PRESSURE", "AIR_TEMP", "RAINFALL", "RELHUMID", "TERR_MSL"]
for i, param in enumerate(parameters_key):
d['data'][param] = ncf.variables[param.lower()][it, ih, :][0]
return d
[docs] def add_land_sfc(self, ls=None, silent=False):
""" add the land surface information to a single trajectory
ls (:class:`trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc`, optional): pre loaded land surface information
(separate loading consumes lot of time)
silent (bool, optional): verbose output or not
if ls is None:
ls = trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc()
occ_stat = namedtuple('occ_stat', 'no_below counter')
for rh in self.config['height']['reception']:
category = ls.get_land_sfc(self.data[1]['latitude'], self.data[1]['longitude'])
print(category) if not silent else None
if rh == 'md':
cat = category[self.data[1]['height'] < self.data[1]['MIXDEPTH']]
cat = category[self.data[1]['height'] < float(rh)*1000]
no = float(cat.shape[0]) if cat.shape[0] > 0 else -1
c = {x: cat.tolist().count(x)/float(no) for x in list(ls.categories.keys())}
if rh != 'md':
rh_string = rh + 'km'
rh_string = rh
self.stat_ls['occ_below'+rh_string] = occ_stat(no_below=no, counter=c)
print('occ_one ', occ_belowmd) if not silent else None
print('occ_one ', occ_below2km) if not silent else None
[docs] def add_ensemble_land_sfc(self, ls=None):
""" add the land surface information to an ensemble trajectory
ls (:class:`trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc`, optional): pre loaded land surface information
(separate loading consumes lot of time)
if ls is None:
ls = trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc()
if self.info['no_traj'] == 1:
raise ValueError('tried to call add_ensemble_land_sfc with single traj')
occ_stat = namedtuple('occ_stat', 'no_below counter')
for rh in self.config['height']['reception']:
categories = np.empty((0,))
for k, v in self.data.items():
category = ls.get_land_sfc(v['latitude'],
if rh == 'md':
cat = category[v['height'] < v['MIXDEPTH']]
cat = category[v['height'] < float(rh)*1000]
categories = np.append(categories, cat)
no = float(categories.shape[0]) if categories.shape[0] > 0 else -1
c = {x: categories.tolist().count(x)/float(no) for x in list(ls.categories.keys())}
if rh != 'md':
rh_string = rh + 'km'
rh_string = rh
self.stat_ls['occ_ens_below' + rh_string] = occ_stat(no_below=no, counter=c)
[docs] def add_ensemble_geo_names(self, ng=None):
add the geographical names to a ensemble trajectory
ng (:class:`trace_source.land_sfc.named_geography`, optional): pre loaded named geography information
(separate loading consumes lot of time)
if ng is None:
ng = trace_source.land_sfc.named_geography(self.config['geonames'])
if self.info['no_traj'] == 1:
raise ValueError('tried to call add_ensemble_land_sfc with single traj')
occ_stat = namedtuple('occ_stat', 'no_below counter')
for rh in self.config['height']['reception']:
categories = np.empty((0,))
for k, v in self.data.items():
category = ng.get_geo_names(v['latitude'],
if rh == 'md':
cat = category[v['height'] < v['MIXDEPTH']]
cat = category[v['height'] < float(rh)*1000]
categories = np.append(categories, cat)
no = float(categories.shape[0]) if categories.shape[0] > 0 else -1
c = {x: categories.tolist().count(x)/float(no) for x in list(ng.geo_names.keys())}
if rh != 'md':
rh_string = rh + 'km'
rh_string = rh
self.stat_gn['region_ens_below' + rh_string] = occ_stat(no_below=no, counter=c)
[docs] def add_ensemble_lat_thres(self):
add the latitude threshold to a ensemble trajectory
silent (bool, optional): verbose output or not
if self.info['no_traj'] == 1:
raise ValueError('tried to call add_ensemble_land_sfc with single traj')
occ_stat = namedtuple('occ_stat', 'no_below counter')
for rh in self.config['height']['reception']:
categories = np.empty((0,))
for k, v in self.data.items():
category = np.empty(v['latitude'].shape[0])
category[v['latitude'] < -60] = 0
category[(-60 < v['latitude']) & (v['latitude'] < -30)] = 1
category[(-30 < v['latitude']) & (v['latitude'] < 0)] = 2
category[(0 < v['latitude']) & (v['latitude'] < 30)] = 3
category[(30 < v['latitude']) & (v['latitude'] < 60)] = 4
category[60 < v['latitude']] = 5
category = category.astype(int)
if rh == 'md':
cat = category[v['height'] < v['MIXDEPTH']]
cat = category[v['height'] < float(rh)*1000]
categories = np.append(categories, cat)
no = float(categories.shape[0]) if categories.shape[0] > 0 else -1
c = {x: categories.tolist().count(x)/float(no) for x in range(6)}
if rh != 'md':
rh_string = rh + 'km'
rh_string = rh
self.stat_lat['lat_ens_below' + rh_string] = occ_stat(no_below=no, counter=c)
[docs] def add_area_land_sfc(self, maxheight, ls=None, silent=False):
land use inside an area around the trajectory
add the shape to ``self.shapes['shp_below{:.1f}km']``
and the statistics to ``self.stat_ls['occ_shp_below{:.1f}km']``
sizes of circle (in 24h steps):
.. code-block:: python
[ 0.05 , 0.15 , 0.4 , 0.77666667, 1.25666667,
1.81666667, 2.43333333, 3.08333333, 3.74333333, 4.39 , 5.]
maxheight: maximum height in meters or md for MIXDEPTH
ls (:class:`trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc`, optional): pre loaded land surface information
(separate loading consumes lot of time)
silent (bool, optional): verbose output or not
.. deprecated:: 0.1
use the ensemble trajectories instead
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
if maxheight == 'md':
maxheight = self.data[1]['MIXDEPTH']
maxheightstr = 'md'
maxheightstr = '{:.1f}'.format(maxheight/1000.)
lat = self.data[1]['latitude'][self.data[1]['height'] < maxheight]
lon = self.data[1]['longitude'][self.data[1]['height'] < maxheight]
age = self.data[1]['age'][self.data[1]['height'] < maxheight]
if lat.shape[0] > 0:
r = np.abs(age)**2*(5./240**2)
p = np.poly1d([ -2.81314300e-07, 1.50462963e-04, 7.17592593e-04, 5.00000000e-02])
r = p(abs(age))
r[r<0.05] = 0.05
#track = sgeom.LineString(zip(lon, lat))
#track = track.buffer(0.1)
shape = []
for coord in zip(lat, lon, r):
shape.append(sgeom.Point(coord[1], coord[0]).buffer(coord[2]))
shape = cascaded_union(shape)
# check if shape is a Polygon; if yes convert it to Multipolygon
if shape.geom_type == 'Polygon':
shape = sgeom.MultiPolygon([shape])
if ls is None:
ls = trace_source.land_sfc.land_sfc()
occ_stat = namedtuple('occ_stat', 'no_below counter')
cat = ls.get_land_sfc_shape(shape).compressed()
no = float(cat.shape[0]) if cat.shape[0] > 0 else -1
c = {x: cat.tolist().count(x) / float(no) for x in list(ls.categories.keys())}
key = 'shp_below{}km'.format(maxheightstr)
self.shapes[key] = shape
key = 'occ_shp_below{}km'.format(maxheightstr)
self.stat_ls[key] = occ_stat(no_below=no, counter=c)
return shape
#print('! nothin below ', maxheight)
print('! nothin below ')
# how do we treat this?
[docs] def evaluate(self, silent=False):
adds some general statistic to a single trajectory
Keys: ``Tmin_whole``, ``Precip_whole``, ``RHmax_whole``, ``Tmin_24h``, ``Precip_24h``,
``RHmax24h``, ``min_height_ag``, ``traj_distance_total``, ``mean_bearing_from_endpoint``
silent (bool, optional): verbose output or not
self.statistics['Tmin_whole'] = np.min(self.data[1]['AIR_TEMP'][:]-273.15)
self.statistics['Precip_whole'] = np.sum(self.data[1]['RAINFALL'][:])
self.statistics['RHmax_whole'] = np.max(self.data[1]['RELHUMID'][:])
index = np.where(self.data[1]['age']==-24)[0][0]
self.statistics['Tmin_24h'] = np.min(self.data[1]['AIR_TEMP'][:index+1]-273.15)
self.statistics['Precip_24h'] = np.sum(self.data[1]['RAINFALL'][:index+1])
self.statistics['RHmax_24h'] = np.max(self.data[1]['RELHUMID'][:index+1])
self.statistics['min_height_ag'] = np.min(self.data[1]['height'])
# distance between two points
# bearing to start point
dist, angle = [], []
endcoord = (self.info['lat'], self.info['lon'])
coords = list(zip(self.data[1]['latitude'], self.data[1]['longitude']))
for i in range(1, len(coords)):
d = trace_source.helpers.distance(coords[i-1], coords[i])
a = trace_source.helpers.calculate_initial_angle(endcoord, coords[i])
print('total range', sum(dist))
self.statistics['traj_distance_total'] = sum(dist)
comp_angle = np.exp(1j * np.array(angle))
mean_angle = np.mean(comp_angle.real) + 1j*np.mean(comp_angle.imag)
mean_bear = (np.angle(mean_angle, deg=True) + 360) % 360
print('mean bear ', mean_bear)
self.statistics['mean_bearing_from_endpoint'] = mean_bear
print('statistics') if not silent else None
for k, v in self.statistics.items():
print(k, v) if not silent else None
if __name__ == '__main__':
#traj = trajectory()
# traj = trajectory()
# traj.load_file('../prior_examples/trajectories_limassol/hysplit_trajectory-20170225-03-34_677-33_038-1500_0-240.tdump')
# traj.add_land_sfc()
# traj.add_ensemble_land_sfc()
traj = trajectory(config='../config_macca.toml')
plot_trajectories_ens(traj, '../prior_examples/plots')